Tuesday, March 11, 2025

About Me

Hi everyone, I am Anuj and I have always been inclined for Fitness , Healthy Lifestyle & Ayurvedic Remedies. Over the years I have gone through a number of health issues such as being unhealthy, going for surgery, going through severe pain and emotional setbacks. While growing in life, we tend to achieve something, and at the same time lose something. At times, it seems like a process of getting back to square one. However, in hindsight, every time we lose something we tend to learn from it. Therefore, failures & setbacks are the ones teach us significantly in life. Hence, struggle to achieve something and going through pain end up taking us further in life which helps us becoming good human beings.

I have experienced many issues related to physical & mental health, fortunately as time went by I managed to overcome all of them successfully. Diseases such as allergies, cold, infections, gall bladder pain, depression, tinnitus & surgery are some of them I have healed successfully with the help of Ayurveda and yoga.

I love to talk about natural, ayurvedic & herbal remedies that help to get rid of diseases. If you have something interesting please share your opinions of any of the content I have been sharing on this site. I would love to have your feedback in every form.

If you ever need any feedback or support in relation to health, fitness or Ayurveda then I would be happy to connect with you. Simply leave your comments below.

I wish you all best in life for everything you crave for!

