Friday, October 18, 2024
Home Love & Happiness HOW TO GRAB HAPPINESS?


Happiness is certainly not readymade. Happiness actually comes from our own actions- Dalai Lama 

Happiness is a state of mind when you are at ease; feeling some kind of eternal satisfaction, a feeling of having accomplished something;though not necessarily big, it could be a very small one too. It is difficult even to precisely define what happiness actually means as the definition varies from person to person largely depending upon what makes them feel happy. However, one question looms at times: how one can find happiness within oneself? Well! There are many ways one can discover the real joy and happiness in one’s life. Let’s talk about a couple of things to shed some light on this aspect:

Take a Break and Do Away from the Mundane Work

One of the most important ways to find happiness within you is to break yourself from the regular mundane work. Do take a much-needed holiday and schedule a trip to some tranquil place in the lap of Mother Nature with family or friends exploring different things. Why not try and explore some exciting place that is not only fun-filled but bring youcloser to your family and friends. Often people ignore this fact that social life is equally important, and if not given equal importance, it can tear apart a part of happiness from your life. So, if you are long ignoring your family, then, think carefully; after all the work you are doing is for the welfare and betterment of your family. Spare some time off from your otherwise busy work life and it can surely let you rediscover and redefine happiness not only in your life but also withinyour entire family.

Spend Time in Doing Things You Love to Do TheMost

Another option to keep yourself upbeat and happy is to indulge yourself in doing things that you have always wished for, the things you love to do the most. Pursue any of your hidden passions, and see the pleasure it unfolds! If however, due to some reasons, you have not been able to do the same, then try and accommodate the same in your busy schedule, and involve yourself in that very interesting thing that can give you immense satisfaction of being there and thriving. There can be many different things that please different people. It may be a passion or an avocation of yours that has got below some layers of dust due to long procrastination, because of which you are not following or doing it. You may be an avid reader, who wants to read different genres of books and stories, a sports man, a long distance bike rider, one who wished to explore different cultures and foods, one who likes to sing, paint, and dance, etc. Don’t let your passion go waste like that, for if you let it go, you will miss out a very vital part and moment of your life that may result in sadness and depression, and the ramification of the same could be more than expected. You never know the best and happy part of your life until you allow yourself in doing things you are best in doing. The source of eternal bliss lies in discovering and giving shape to your passion and goal.

Be an Agent of Social Change

Do you like to help others? If yes, youcan help nurture this habit in other people too to make them become an integral agent of social change. Several things you can achieve and help others achieve if you cultivate this habit of doing some social work. There are many people who are struggling, who are marginalized and neglected like persons with disabilities, elderly, and homeless people. Your gestures of helping others in need can relay make a dent in bringing social change. You can take several such initiatives and for that you can connect with like-minded people who also think of giving back to society in some manner. You can act as a missing link between the community members in need and the voluntary donors. The key to happiness lies in creating an environment of mutual respect and harmony in others’ life, too. People drive happiness by taking care of the needy and the poor. Some people believe in serving the society by all means and resources by becoming a change ambassador. If you also share the same thoughts and wish to bring a positive change in someone’s life, then you can be a part of such change makers brigade and derive happiness within yourself by doing social service, and by brining others in fold as well.

Never rely on other people for the happiness you seek. You and only you are totally responsible for your happiness. If you cannot love yourself and do the things that you love, no other person can make it happen for you!


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