Wednesday, March 12, 2025
Home Health & lifestyle Tips to Protect Your Hair and Avoid Hair Fall

Tips to Protect Your Hair and Avoid Hair Fall

For the Crown of Our Head

Hairs are like the crown of our head. No one would like to imagine him/her without hairs on the head. It seems to be a bad nightmare. However, many of us face the problem of hair loss, making our nights sleepless with anxiety. Your every encounter with mirror makes you feel anxious by noticing those patches that are devoid of hairs. Don’t worry, we can control and cure hair loss easily by following certain steps, except for some cases, where the genes overrule your destiny i.e. when the hair loss is due to hereditary reasons and under some other medical conditions like thyroid disorder, iron-deficiency, anemia, and chronic illnesses etc.

Good Hairs are the indication of Good Health

Hairs are mainly made up of proteins (Keratin).  Healthy and strong hairs are the indication of good health. They also add beauty to our personality. Long hairs of a lady portray an image of beauty god or an angel. There are millions of strands of hair on our scalp and losing 50 to 100 strands in a day is normal. Hairs fall out as they complete their life cycle and are replaced by new fresh ones. But when you start losing more than that, you need to take care.It’s time for you to take some action so it doesn’t progress to any worse situation. Moving ahead, check out the below advices to have great, beautiful and healthy hair.

Hair Massage

Massaging your scalp regularly with hair oil can be very effective. Make it a point to have a massage at least once in a week. Massaging your head increases blood flow to the hair follicles, this reaches your hair roots, making your hair stronger. Massaging is also very good to vent out your stress and tension, which again is a catalyst for healthy beautiful hair. For the oil, you have many options like coconut oil, almond oil, olive oil, castor oil etc.

Onion Juice

Onion Juice

Onion juice is known for its anti-inflammation anti-bacterial properties. This makes it a good protector of the scalp, protecting it from microbial bacteria and parasites. Also due to its high sulfur content, it increases blood circulation to the hair follicles, enhancing the process of follicle growth. Juice of onion can be applied directly on the scalp. Put it on for about half an hour before the bath, and then wash it off with shampoo.

Coconut Milk

Due to its various medicinal properties, coconut has been in use since long time byCoconut Milk various ancient civilizations of the world. It has both anti-microbial and anti-inflammation properties. Coconut water and coconut oil is easily available to all of us. Coconut milk is extracted from fresh coconut scrapings by grinding them, thus producing the extracted paste. It provides great nourishment to the hair.

Neem Leaves Juice

Neem Leaves JuiceNeemhas many medicinal benefits; it is a prominent antimicrobial source. The ancient Indian Ayurveda science has provided numerous medicinal treatments from it. Get some handful of neem leaves, boil them out for around ten minutes, leave this for cooling, and then wash out your hair and scalp with it. Follow this process at least once in a month.

Egg White&Curd Paste

Eggs are rich source of proteins therefore they are very effective in hair treatment.Egg White&Curd Paste For applying it on the scalp, take out egg white of two eggs, and then mix it with two tablespoons of fresh curd. It should be applied for around thirty to forty minutes and then wash out thoroughly. You can also add shikakai or neem powder to the mixture for better results.

 Aloe Vera

 Aloe VeraLike other medicinal plants, Aloe Vera has also been in use by Ayurveda (known as Ghritkumari in Ayurveda) and it is an ancient Egyptian medicine too. It removes the clogging of dead cells on the scalps; thus nutrients can easily reach to the roots of hairs to be absorbed. It is a rich source of nutrients. Aloe vera gel can be extracted from aloe vera plant and mixed with basil powder. You can also apply pure aloe vera directly on your scalp by cutting it into two halves.

Above are certain boosters that can be your saver in the battle against hair fall. There can be several other reasons behind hair loss such as environmental effects, aging or too much stress. These factors are to be looked for. Excessive smoking too has bad effect on your hair.  Nutritional deficiencies can also cause the loss; a balanced diet should be taken, and crash dieting must be stopped. Excessive use of hair products like hair colors and hair gels, which contain harmful chemicals, should be avoided as much as possible.


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